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Learn more about Pearls and Stones
Discovering how a STONE becomes a CLASP : cutting, grinding, polishing, drilling, setting and much more. And what are the various TYPES of PEARLS over the world
Clasps, 4,000 years of Fasteners in Jewellery
From bronze Age to today Jewellery, 4,700 years studied ; museums, jewelers and contributors from 30 countries.
A book the Victoria and Albert museum in London said: "It's a triumph!" and the National Gallery of Art in Washington: "truly spectacular".
A story told for the very first time. In ENGLISH and in FRENCH. Shipped to 42 countries and in 39 libraries over the world.
Exhibitions and publications
View photo shooting of exhibitions in JAPAN and in FRANCE and what the media say, it's here below.
Russian, Japanese Ambassadors - Chinese, Arab, Corean versions
How is it to wear an InterChangeable Clasp for a Russian or Japanese fashion woman ? See also the Chinese, Arab and Corean versions.