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A book the VICTORIA & ALBERT Museum in London said:
CLASPS, 4,000 Years of Fasteners in Jewellery
both English and French versions of the book are AVAILABLE HERE, worldwide shipping.
Shipped to 42 countries and fond in 39 libraries over the world From the Early Bronze Age to fine contemporary jewellery: a story told for the very first time

See 4,000 Years in only 59 seconds
Watch a 5 seconds video of a page just out of printing
See on this page lectures given on History of Clasps
Voir sur cette page les différentes conférences sur l’histoire du fermoir
From the Early Bronze Age to fine contemporary jewellery, 32 historians consulted, 22 museums, 76 contributors from 30 countries are involved in a 288 pages and 356 illustrations book, a glossary of 28 original sketches,… where we discover the functioning of a clasp as “young” as 4000 years and the historical origin of the box clasp…
A story told for the very first time!
De l’âge du Bronze à la place Vendôme, une histoire racontée pour la première fois. 4 millénaires d’ingéniosité au service du bijou dévoilés et illustrés de photos inédites. 32 historiens consultés, 22 musées impliqués, 76 contributeurs bijoutiers, joailliers, artistes et créateurs de 30 pays.
Une histoire racontée pour la première fois!
Disponible ici
2018 Clasp Book Tour program
- 22 Mars Paris, l’Ecole des Arts Joailliers par Van Cleef & Arpels,
- April 14th, San Francisco, Macchiarini Creative Design Gallery
- April 17th, Berkeley, Ca, at the Metal Arts Guild
- April 18th, San Francisco Golden Gate GIA Alumni Chapter
- May 3rd, Pueblo, Colorado Center for Metal Arts
- October 23rd, London, at the Society of Jewellery Historians
USA detailed program
March 22nd, 2018 in Paris – L’Ecole des Arts Joailliers
chez Van Cleef & Arpels
October 5th, 2017 in Geneva – Conférence à Genève le 5 octobre
See 3’35 of the 2017 lecture in New Orleans,
at the Snag annual event
The 2017 USA Clasp Book Tour in May and June
- May 26th, 4.30 pm at the SNAG, Society of North American Goldsmiths New Orleans
- May 30th, 7.30 pm at the American Society of Jewelry Historians in New York
- June 5th, 7 pm at the Brooklyn Metal Works in New York
- June 8th, 7 pm at the Jewelry Arts Inc. in New York
- June 10th, I was at the ASJRA annual conference in Boston.
Lecture given on october 16th, 2013 at Paris,
Musée des Arts décoratifs, là où tout a commencé…

The official poster at the Museum

The presentation on the Museum website
Lotus and waterlilies to inspire clasps for multi strands
Egyptians invented at least 3 types of clasps, still in use nowadays.
Torcs were also in use for religious purpose, such as the Danish God Cernunnos, shown above.

Clasps were often generously decorated on bracelets in the XIX c., above a clasp by Francois Desiré Froment Meurice .
End of the XX c. : no time left to use a screwdriver for changing the setting of jewelry, time has come for the interchangeable clasp system : faster, easier, safer, more convenient.
Some high end jewelry companies are also willing to present collections with interchangeable clasps for more versatility ; here are 50 carats of diamonds and 4 clasps.

The hall of the Museum auditorium

The official invitation …

On the website of the French organisation “Circuits Bijoux”